
BlockSiteallowsyoutoblockanywebsiteforanyperiodoftime.Removedistractions,blockadultcontent,andcustomizeyourbrowsingenvironment.,BlockSiteisabrowserextensiontohelpyoublockdesiredwebsites(domains).Toworkwiththisaddon,simplyright-clickonanywebpageand ...,BlockSiteisanappandwebsiteblockerusedbyover5millionpeopleworldwide.UseBlockSitetotemporarilyblockdistractingappsandwebsites.,同步BlockSite是跨瀏...


BlockSite allows you to block any website for any period of time. Remove distractions, block adult content, and customize your browsing environment.

Block Site

Block Site is a browser extension to help you block desired websites (domains). To work with this addon, simply right-click on any webpage and ...

BlockSite: Block Websites & Stay Focused

BlockSite is an app and website blocker used by over 5 million people worldwide. Use BlockSite to temporarily block distracting apps and websites.


同步BlockSite是跨瀏覽器的網站/ URL和應用程序阻止程序,可幫助您管理網站使用情況並管理干擾和沈迷。它也可以在您的移動設備上使用,並且可以在台式機 ...


評分 3.5 (50,651) · 免費 · Android 自製自訂封鎖清單、工作排程或開始集中時間以助你更集中、更具生產力,掌握你的時間。 BlockSite為優良自控程式,讓你在需要集中時限制瀏覽程式及網站,重新掌握時間。

Block or allow pop-ups in Chrome - Computer

By default, Google Chrome blocks pop-ups from automatically showing up on your screen. When a pop-up is blocked, the address bar will be marked Pop-up ...

Allow or block access to websites

Go to Content. Click URL Blocking and enter URLs as needed: Blocked URLs—URLs that you want to prevent users from accessing. For syntax and examples, see Users ...

How to Block a Website on Chrome - Browser

Open the BlockSite extension in the top-right corner of your browser window and create an account. Then click Block sites in the left panel and ...

How to Block a Website on Google Chrome

To permanently block a website in Google Chrome, navigate to site settings, select 'Blocked,' and enter the URL. It will remain blocked until ... How to Block a Website: 6... · How to Unblock Websites on...